Silent Auction Q&A

My name is Carolyn Paone, and I’m very proud to be the Silent Auction chair!  If you are new to Relay for Life, WELCOME!  If you are a returning team we are HAPPY to have you back.  I’d like to answer a few questions you may have regarding Silent Auction.

What is Silent Auction?  Silent Auction is a fun, on-site way to raise money at the Relay for Life event.  You don’t have to participate, but if you do, you are in luck because the Silent Auction team and I do all the work.  This is my 6th year running the Silent Auction and it is a pretty well oiled machine.

How does Silent Auction work?   All Greater Shelby Township Relay for Life teams are encouraged to locate items of value that will be put up for auction at the event. The items in the auction can be a variety of things. We have had donations of sports tickets, services or products from local businesses, or homemade baskets of a certain “theme” do very well too.  Some “big ticket” items that were auctioned off were gift certificates, art pieces, and a Detroit Tigers Family Pack (included tickets, food, and drink).  Less costly items like free hair cuts, gift certificates to local eateries, and exercise classes are also popular.  You pick the starting bid (I will discuss more about pricing strategies in future posts and at team captain meetings) and the highest bid that is collected at the close of the auction is added to your team’s fundraising total.  After the bidding has ended and all of the items have been picked up and and paid for, your team will find out how much they made.

Is there a limit on how many items a team can bring to Silent Auction?  There is no limit to the number of items a team can bring.  Closer to the event we will ask you for a total count of your items to help us better plan for the space we will need.

How can my team become a part of Silent Auction?  If you want to participate, please contact me at the email address below.  As the event gets closer I will give you more details either via email or at team captain meetings regarding the logistics of the Silent Auction.  Right now you can start asking local businesses and people you know for new items that can be auctioned off.  You can either auction items individually, or like items can be bundled together in a basket or other container to be auctioned at a higher price.

What is the chair person’s role in the Silent Auction?  As the Silent Auction chair I am available to answer your questions, give you advice, and cheer on all of the teams involved in this event.  You can reach out to me (or any of the Event Leadership Team) at team captain’s meetings, or via email at the address below.  The day of the event I lead a team of volunteers to check in the items, display them, and help with distributing them after the auction has closed.  We also take payment and track the amounts that each team has earned.  It is a big job, but it is so rewarding, especially with my fabulous team.

I’m so proud of all that we accomplish collectively as The Great Shelby Township Relay for life and I can’t wait to work with you!

Carolyn :)


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