American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network

Hello Greater Shelby Township Relayers,

My name is Kelley Riley and I am a member of the American Cancer Society’s Cancer Action Network. ACSCAN is the advocacy arm of the American Cancer Society and as a volunteer and district lead in the State of Michigan I talk with, and meet,  our federal and state elected leaders and keep them informed about issues that are important to cancer patients and their families, and help work with them on legislative priorities. 

Whenever I talk to legislators I let them know that although I am one person standing in front of them I represent hundreds more cancer activists and that is where YOU come in!  For a donation of $10.00 you can join the Cancer Action Network and support this important work!  As a member you will receive via email, legislative updates and occasional “calls to action” which are as simple as sending your legislator a quick email or calling their office to let them know how you feel about a particular issue. I’m sure many of you have been members before and have renewed your membership each relay season so now is your time to renew. 

Right now ACSCAN is working hard to secure cancer research funding on the federal level and get Oral Chemotherapy Parity legislation finally voted on in the State of Michigan!

Joining is easy! Just scan the QR code at the top of the page or visit :
If you have any questions please contact me at
Thank you for supporting The Cancer Action Network!
Kelley Riley

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