2022 Silent Auction Message

It’s me – Carolyn, your Silent Auction Chair!  If you have stuck with us though pandemic, our virtual auction (if I could describe that it one word, I’d say that was INSANE lol!) and everything life has thrown at us….THANK YOU! We promise to keep this year’s Relay FUN, LIGHT, EXCITING, and still respect the reason why we are all there. It’s so important for us to smile, laugh and see one another – and I can’t wait to see you all at this year’s event. If you want to join the fun at the Silent Auction booth, we would love to have your goodies! You might have some questions / concerns so hopefully these FYIs will help you!

  • Baskets go over BIG! A theme always helps when putting your basket together too! 
  • Have a big-ticket item? We have had sports memorabilia / jewelry that was valuable (signed tigers baseball, MSU game football and fine jewelry) and although we want to believe everyone has a heart of gold, it’s difficult to trust everyone. Big ticket items stay at the checkout desk where there will always be someone manning it. Probably my brother, he’s 6′ 3″ as big as a linebacker and will be on top of things!
  • Have gift cards? Those are small and can get swiped so again we hold them with us. We ask you make a photocopy of your gift card / gift certificate, frame it (the dollar store can help you out with that!) and show people the item but we will have the actual item.
  • All items must be NEW and UNUSED! I have gotten items in the past that have been visibly used and we would like to avoid any awkward conversations and disappointed customers when they are expecting unused items. 

A friendly reminder – whatever your item(s) go for, your team will get that dollar amount added on to your total fundraising amount. We try to let you know how much you made after the Silent Auction closes as well, during the actual Relay. If you choose to be a part of our Auction, I will send and explain the “Silent Auction Form” (along with a sample of it) and walk you through how to fill it out in a few weeks. 
So, for now, all you need to do is send me an email at cpaone80@comcast.net and answer these simple items for me if you are participating in the Silent Auction. That way I can create an email folder of participants and communicate with you all!
PS Thank you all for considering Silent Auction and taking time out of your day to read this! Hope to hear back from you and have you contribute to our awesome auction!

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