ACSCAN – American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network

Hello Fellow Relayers!

My name is Kelley Riley and along with Sheri Milson we are your ACSCAN or Cancer Action Network volunteers for our district. We know you have probably heard of ACSCAN but do you really know what ACSCAN volunteers do, and how IMPACTFUL your $10.00 yearly membership is?

Our role as an ACSCAN volunteer or “lead”  is to EDUCATE  and ADVOCATE for the benefit of cancer patients and their families.  Follow these links to important info about American Cancer Society and the ACSCAN mission:  Learn about Cancer Research    ACSCAN 2018 and 2019

We communicate with  and educate our legislators because cancer is a non partisan issue!  We make calls to their offices, send emails,  drop in to their office hours and make sure that they know the legislative priorities we are working on for cancer patients.  We also attend “Lobby Day” here in Lansing and in Washington DC where it is an entire day of  training and advocating !

We also communicate with and educate ACSCAN members LIKE YOU !  We share updates on issues and what action alerts are needed, like emailing your legislators office. We make it EASY by providing scripting and will help figure out who your rep is.

Volunteer support with ACSCAN memberships  is critical to the mission – through ACSCAN members we are able to flood social media and our legislator’s offices with very powerful voices that can lead to real progress on legislative issues.  Continued pressure on the oral chemotherapy legislation  is now moving this bill forward in 2019 ! One video that was shared was viewed 16,000 times thanks to ACSCAN members and relayers!

Your $10.00 membership goes a LONG way . The state budget for ACSCAN is $50,000 and it is funded through many $10.00 donations. Of the $50,000  budget a whopping $30,000 of it comes from member sign ups at Making Strides and Relay for life so our involvement directly impacts the success in our state.

Michigan LEADs the country in ACSCAN activity and support for legislation,  they look to us for ideas.

SO PLEASE CONSIDER JOINING AS AN ACSCAN MEMBER  I will be available to sign you up at the next team captains meeting !.  Without you the work we do in making process in Lansing and Washington would not be possible!

For more information please contact me, Kelley Riley at or


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